The operation cost £ 100,000 and it was worth every penny 那次手术花了10万英镑,但是花得非常值。
The extra tire life extends the tire mileage and decreases the operation cost for the end-users. 额外的轮胎寿命延长了轮胎使用里程,为终端用户降低了操作成本。
However, all past months will be charged by monthly rate plus one extra month fees for operation cost. 但是所有已过去的月份将以单月租用费率来计算。同时加收一个月的制作费。
Synthetic plan of striping and mining The open cast method is an advanced stripping technology with low operation cost. 采剥工程综合平面图拉斗铲倒堆剥离是一种先进的开采工艺,机械化程度高,开采成本低。
Controlling oil unit operation cost is a mainly method for petroleum enterprise to conduct cost budgeting and controlling. 原油单位操作成本控制是石油企业进行成本预算与控制的主要手段。
Study on Countermeasure to Reduce Logistics Operation Cost in Product Oil Sales Enterprises 成品油销售企业降低物流运行成本的对策研究
As for petroleum enterprise, to predict oil unit operation cost accurately can decrease cost and increase enterprise benefit by means of effective control measures. 对石油企业而言,准确的预测原油单位操作成本,可以在生产过程中采取有效的手段控制,降低成本,提高企业效益。
On Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem Considering Operation Cost and Time 考虑加工成本和时间的柔性作业车间调度问题研究
This article take the operation cost management as a foundation, calculates and analyzes the standard cost determination and the bias. 本文以作业成本管理理念为基础,从标准成本的确定和差异计算与分析两大部份进行论述。
Reforming the budget-managing system and strengthening the binding force of the budget on government's operation cost. 改革预算管理体制,增强预算对政府运行成本的约束力。
Oil and gas operation cost is the most important unit in the budget of an oil field company, but there is not yet an effective method to forecast it. 油气操作成本是油田公司预算的最重要的单位,但是目前还没有一种有效的方法来对其进行预测。
Effective stock control, can reduce the operation cost, and then raise the turnover rate of the goods, could reduce losses caused because of the risk in this way, thus make the profit peak. 有效的库存管理,可降低运营成本,进而提高商品周转率,这样才能减少因风险造成的损失,从而使利润达到最高点。
Regulation mechanism design and efficiency analyses of public project in PPP based on service quality and operation cost 基于服务质量和成本的公共项目定价机制与效率分析
The prediction of oil-gas operation cost is the first step of cost budget and control. 摘要油气操作成本预测是成本预算与控制的首要环节。
So many air compressor units can greatly reduce the operation cost. 故多空压机机组可大大节省运行费用。
For minimal operation cost we investigated also on minimal oil pick up. 为了尽可能的节省运行成本我们还研究了纱线最低上油率。
The utility model can be used on water inlet connector and water outlet connector, to simplify the application and maintenance and reduce operation cost. 本实用新型即可以用在进水接头也可以用在出水接头,方便了使用和维护,降低了运营成本。
Collect and communicate market and business environment information; analyze the developments of automobile market in China and market operation cost regularly. 沟通并收集有关市场和经营环境的信息,定期进行市场动态分析和行业市场营运成本分析。
Taking the generator availability, operation cost and maintenance cost into consideration, a quantitive model of the optimal capacity for peak units is developed based on minimal total cost analysis. 考虑到机组可用率、运行成本和维护成本等影响因素,研究了总成本最小化的峰荷机组装机容量量化模型。
Operation cost account is a critical aspect of high speed railway construction and its economy benefit evaluation. 运营成本计算是高速铁路建设和经济效益评价的关键问题之一。
Secondly should report to the public company will take the reduce the operation cost of the plan. 其次应该向市民报告公司即将采取的降低公司运营成本的方案。
The process is being put into operation in Jilin oil field and it reduced operation cost greatly. Moreover, this technology accumulates experience for future thermal oil development. 将该技术应用到吉林油田实际生产,降低了运行成本,为今后的热采开发提供了参考。
The inefficient operation cost the firm a lot of money. 低效率的运作使该公司损失了许多钱。
Application of combination forecasting model to predicting oil and gas operation cost 组合预测在油气操作成本预测中的应用研究
Its overall structure is simple, reliable and safe and needs lower procurement and operation cost. 其整体结构简单可靠安全、购置及使用成本均低。
As a example of a residential district, analysis of the economical efficiency of different modes of district cooling systems is carried on in initial investment and operation cost in order to supply reference to the correct choosing of cold source of distrct cooling system. 以某住宅小区为例,对居住区实行区域供冷不同系统的经济性从初投资和运行费用两个方面进行了分析,为正确的进行区域供冷的冷源选择提供参考。
How Much Will the Operation Cost? 手术的费用会是多少?
After application of this demulsifier, the dehydration rate has been improved arid operation cost has been saved. 应用该破乳剂后,明显提高破乳剂的脱水率,节约了运行成本。
Furthermore, based on the function of investment and operation cost established above, optimization on the voltage level sequence is carried out. 并且以建立的投资和运行成本函数为基础,对电压等级序列进行优化。
This energy, this can be70% of the intelligent control system and actual working condition will default data kinetic energy, Once the operation cost and replace filter cost form a best balance. 这样可以节能70%,这种智能控制系统将实际工况和预设数据进行动能比较。一旦运行成本和更换滤芯成本行成一个最佳平衡点。